Moodle stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, and it is a free and open-source learning software platform. Martin Dougiamas iniatially startedto develop it to help educators create online courses. The enterprise is located in Wester Australia and most of the development of MOODLE is done there.LINUX
Linux refers to all the Unix-like family of computer operating systems. It is functional in a wide range of computer hardware. Linxus is a leading server operating system and runs the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world. Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software, for it can be used, freely modified, and redistributed, both commercially and non-commercially,
Open Office is sometimes called OOo but its actual name is Open It is an open-source application with its main components in word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. It is a free software and is available and various operating systems. In November 2009 it already supported 110 languages. It started as StarOffice by StarDivision and acquired by Sun Microsystems in August 1999. The source code was released in July of 2000. It is primarily sponsored by Oracle Coproration (who bought Sun Microsystems).
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